Fatherhood is an active journey, not a carnival ride. Though sometimes it may seem like the latter, we can't just sit back and let it go round. No, this journey is defined by moments that test our resolve, our values, and define us as Men and Fathers.
However, outside of these defining moments of courage, we can unknowingly fail.
I recently had this thought while reading Ryan Holliday's book Courage is Calling. He states the opposite of courage is not always cowardice, but rather apathy.
Apathy, the silent killer of dreams and aspirations, manifests not in bold actions or decisions, but in the absence of them.

As a father, I’ve come to understand that apathy can creep into our lives in the most unassuming ways.
It’s the moments when I’m too tired to play tag or roughhouse with my 6 year old. When I choose my phone over listening to my 3 year olds latest story about a rock. When I simply lay my 1 year old down instead of taking the time to hold and snuggle him first.
These instances may seem trivial, but they accumulate, each being a single strand in the fabric of our relationships.
Fatherhood has taught me to be present, to cherish the little moments and engage with intention.
My boys look to me for guidance, love, and support. They are learning how to live through my actions, my words, but also my in-action and silence. It’s a humbling realization that every choice I make, whether intentional or not, has the potential to shape their world. (*See also: The Power of a Father's Influence: Living Intentionally).
I’m far from perfect.
I am thankful for their grace.
Fatherhood is a journey filled with mistakes and learning curves as long as you recognize the mistakes for what they are and do something about it.
Courage is not only standing in the face of fear but daily, consious decisions for the beterment of our families.
I recognize daily and confront my own apathy in the hopes that my sons are proud to call me dad.
Courage is Calling reminded me that courage is not just about grand gestures.
It’s about the everyday decisions we make.
It’s choosing to be fully present and intentional in our lives.
Courage up men.
Do not sit on the sideline as your children grow.
Today, stand up in the face of apathy.
Be Present and Intentional daily in your child's life.
Basically, get off your ass and get going.
*Spoiler alert: This also applies to your marriage and just about every other aspect of life.
Live with intentionality.
Be Present. Be Intentional.
- Chad Vrla