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Intentional Moment:

Conversation Starters

Be intentional with your conversations. Utilize thought provoking conversation starters that are great for Father/Child relationship building!

Conversation Starters

Image Source: Linked Amazon Listing

Our Moments is a great tool to start meaningful conversations with your child! Discover your children and let them get to know you. Educate through fun. Improve your listening skills - ask a question and listen carefully to the answer. Talk about it. There is no correct answer and no judgment.

This game is based on the principle of adult guided discussion. In a game setting, the child will be relaxed and receptive. Make it fun, upbeat, simple and positive. Use this tool to reconnect. You will allow your child to release pent up stress while observing his/her emotional and physical needs.

Sharing laughter and fun can foster empathy, compassion and trust with others. Put aside work worries and focus only on your child and you as you build a healthy and secure relationship. Play one on one or the whole family. It doesn't have to be a formal time set aside for play, it can be in the car, at dinner-time or bed-time. This is QUALITY TIME enjoy it together!

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to be more intentional with your child.

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The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

Related Intentional Moments:

It is the end of the day, just before they are getting ready to power down for a much needed 10-12 hours of hard earned sleep. There are times in the day getting your child to complete a full sentence will not happen. Use this quiet calm time to gain insight into your child's day.



It is a fun way to gain a picture of your child in as many ways as you want. Ask questions of their favorite movie, book, song, color, animal, clothes, games etcetera. It is interesting to compare answers over time-age as they grow and experience more of life. There are specific templates to log these answers if you want to come back to their answers over time.



Instead of surface level talk, have meaningful conversations with your child! Table Topics is the #1 best-selling conversation starter.



Category Tags:
Build Relationship, Learning Your Child
Chad Vrla
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