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Intentional Moment:

Letters to My Son

Write personal, prompted letters to your son. Can be for any age or stage of life. Share favorite memories, personal hopes, or best wishes! Date when sealed and when it should be opened.

Letters to My Son

Image Source: Amazon Listing

Share memories, love, and words of wisdom with a son of any age.

Write now. Read later. Treasure forever: Letters to My Son will inspire you remind your son how important he is to you and your family. The 12, fold-and-mail-style envelopes invite moms and dads to share their favorite memories and hopes for a bright future for their son. Seal your letters with the included stickers, postdate, and gift this book to your remarkable son. When he opens the letters in the future, he will receive an invaluable gift: a tangible reflection of his parents' love.

Each letter is printed with a unique prompt like "In the future, I hope we.," "I love that our family.," "I'm proud of you because.," and "I love being your parent because.," plus two blank letters to write your own.

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to be more intentional with your child.

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The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

Related Intentional Moments:

Write a letter to your child on their birthday. Be personal, specific, and uplifting. Write of what made you proud the past year of their life or what moments you fondly remember most. Start young and make it a tradition!



Prompted, personal letters specific for a parent to their Daughter. A unique way to encourage, love, and share during any stage of life! Date each letter when written and when it should be opened.



Create an email account for your child. Not for them to use, but for you to send them messages, memories, thoughts, or notes throughout their life. Then, when you are ready, give them the email and password!



Category Tags:
Memories, WritingNotes
Chad Vrla
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