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Intentional Moment:

Custom Photo Books

Take scrapbooking to the next level with a digital photo book. Capture your family memories and spend quality time together looking through the pictures.

Custom Photo Books

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Photo books are an easy way to spend quality time with your child. Sit down together and talk about the memories made, the fun had, and the laughs shared.

Create a book to capture a vacation or summertime fun. Or create a Year in Review photobook. Either way, take the time, capture the memories, enjoy them together.

Since time can be a major restraint, Shutterfly offers the option to have a professional photobook made by simply uploading your photos and selecting a theme. Of course if you would like to personalize it, you have the option to choose each element of the book and be as creative as you want!

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to be more intentional with your child.

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The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

Related Intentional Moments:

Write a letter to your child on their birthday. Be personal, specific, and uplifting. Write of what made you proud the past year of their life or what moments you fondly remember most. Start young and make it a tradition!



Don't let all of your phone photos sit without being able to easily enjoy them. Easily upload them to the Groovebook app and get up to 100 printed photos a month!



Prompted, personal letters specific for a parent to their Daughter. A unique way to encourage, love, and share during any stage of life! Date each letter when written and when it should be opened.



Category Tags:
Memories, Pictures
Chad Vrla
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